We've partnered with the Tortola Rotary Club in the British Virgin Islands and their affiliates in White Rock/South Surrey to ensure that the funds raised will go DIRECTLY to the causes we want to assist, with no handling fees. We have earmarked the school in Cane Garden Bay as the recipients of the benefit. It is a very important facility for the community and their rebuilding will greatly aid the regeneration for young & old alike.
"The following is a first hand account from a member of the Rotary Club of Tortola, BVI:
- The British Virgin Islands (BVI) received a devastating, direct hit from Irma on Sept. 6th. A category 5 hurricane with sustained winds of 185-190 mph and gusts over 220 churned thru the islands for 5 long hours, tornadoes embedded inside, blowing apart almost everything in her path. 90% of the buildings on the island were destroyed beyond repair or severely damaged, the entire island was left without water or power (it is estimated power will not be fully restored for 4 more months) and the communication infrastructure was almost completely wiped out. Most of the trees were uprooted or broken and the main island roads were impassable for a week, and longer in the outlying areas. Thousands have been left homeless with literally only the clothes on their backs, businesses are destroyed, and jobs are scarce. It's not a pretty picture. I've been on the island after several category 3 & 4 hurricanes but nothing comes close to this - the scenes that l've witnessed are reminiscent of war-torn, bombed-out Syria. It's heartbreaking."