Rotaractor Lexie Wynn installed Carla Hanson as the 2022-2023 Club President. Carla then installed the board of officers and directors.
Blowin’ In The Wind – June 29, 2022
Special Meeting for Installation of Officers
Scribe: George Garrett
There were 52 members and guests at Rotary Field House to attend ceremonies for the installation of new officers for the coming Rotary Year.
President Gordy Sangha (calling this his ‘last tango’) welcomed Assistant District Governor Joan Apel, incoming District Governor Raj Srinivasan, Rotaract District Representative Lexie Wynn, Mayor Darryl Walker (who acted as emcee for the evening), Councillor Anthony Manning, all Past Presidents, Directors and fellow Rotarians and guests.
President Gordy offered greetings in several languages and acknowledged we are meeting on the traditional territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and broader territory of the Coast Salish people.
Roxanne Charles, our only Indigenous club member spoke about the history of her people and sang a song of welcome. She said later it was a song with a beat...the beat of the heart.
Roxanne used her cell phone to read an essay written by her 18-year-old son Easton. He wrote passionately about concerns he has for the environment and how it has been compromised by development.
Irene Dahl sang O’Canada, joined by those present.
Honourary Rotarian Moti Bal was warmly greeted by members.
Incoming District Governor Raj Sarindon invited members to
Imagine a world
- Without Polio
- With Clean Water and Sanitation facilities for everyone
- Free of disease
- With literacy and basic education for every child
- Where people live with kindness, hope and peace.
Member Bob Livesey called for a Moment of Silence to remember members who died in the past year. Ron Compton, Wally Phillips, Ian Legasse and Dennis Leoppky.
Lisa Leoppky asked me to let the members of the Rotary Club of White Rock know that they are invited to the celebration of life for Dennis on July 16th .
If you would like to attend the Celebration of Life for Dennis please RSVP to
President Gordy said his term in office had been such a long journey, but an incredible and interesting one. He called it a rewarding experience noting some objectives had been met: increasing membership, adding to diversity, raising sufficient funds and identifying projects; focussing on reconciliation and pathway to peace. He said meetings were more fruitful, inviting interesting and diverse guest speakers.
Gordy said: “I believe we have succeeded on most of these, or work is in progress. We are moving in the right direction.” He called our club...”A club like no other.”
Among highlights noted were the success of Feed My City, providing hot lunches daily during the Pandemic; the success of two book sales;
providing equipment to White Rock Fire & Rescue and important International contributions. Christina Eng led a campaign to raise $100,000 to rescue families from Afghanistan and Anthony Manning spearheaded a very successful Peace Walk for Ukraine. $40,000 raised will be sent directly to Rotary clubs in Ukraine.
Rookie of the Year Award was given to Anthony Manning for his work in coordinating volunteers for Book Sales; Book Sale Manager Keith Becker and Kristina Eng were given awards for Exceptional Service and Irene Dahl was named Rotarian of the Year.
Kathy Booth was awarded a Paul Harris Community Service Award for her tireless work in helping people. Among many contributions Kathy was involved in the settlement of three refugee families from Serbia, Africa and Colombia through her work as the Outreach Convener for Peninsula United Church. Kathy has also been a volunteer coordinator of an extreme weather shelter. As a volunteer with the Cloverdale Community Kitchen she is delivering up to 18 meals a week to low-income shut-in seniors in the White Rock area.
Rotoract’s Lexie Wynn swore in new President Carla Hanson and the following directors:
Past President - Gordy Sangha
President elect – Irene Dahl
Secretary – Anthony Manning
Treasurer – Gregory Cebry
Director International – Sophie Jin
Director Club Services – Kristina Eng
Director Community Services – Anthony Manning
Director Fundraising – Jimmy Chattha
Director Membership – Winston Conyers
Director Youth Services – Glenn Wilson
George Garrett was recognized as “Communications Director” – not an official position.
An inspiring video was shown by the first woman president of Rotary International – Jennifer Jones, a Canadian. Jennifer will be in White Rock, Sunday, July 10th. Ceremonies at Memorial Park, next to the museum (the former railway station). Event begins at 10:30 AM.
In her inaugural address President-Elect Carla Hanson acknowledged the theme in the video “Imagine Rotary” partly based on John Lennon’s
famous song, “Imagine”.
Carla thanked President Gordy Sangha for his help and guidance. She said Gordy had taught her so much. Carla said she wants our club to be more connected to our community. She promised amazing speakers and will begin the practice of passing a plate and writing in a journal.
Carla spoke of the Imagine Rotary theme and setting goals to raise membership and grow the involvement of young people. She said volunteer hours would be tracked and there are plans for six events throughout the year.
Star of the event was Carla’s 5-year-old daughter Agnes. She handed out all the draw tickets at the door as people entered. After a brief nap on her mom’s lap she was bright and alert at the end of the meeting delivering prizes to lucky winners.
The meeting ended at about 9:20 PM.