Great Rotary meeting last week.
Our guest speakers were Stephanie Beck & Selina Lai from the Peace Arch Hospital PAH Foundation
We learned that Peace Arch Hospital opened in 1954 with 50 beds, 5 doctors, and 10 nurses. Now there are 1,800 nursing and support staff along with 150 physicians. This year is the 70th birthday of the hospital. The Foundation’s mission is to raise funds, advocate, and support initiatives to enhance the hospital and health and wellness of our community. The foundation has raised $180 million since 1988 and over $46 million in the past 5 years. They have purchased needed equipment that has impacted all departments in the hospital. Some recent accomplishments are the new Ellen Sinclair Kennett Lodge & Melville Hospice directly across from the hospital. The new Emergency department is three times the size of the old one with 50 treatment spaces. The total cost was $23 million, $15 million of which was raised by the Foundation. There is also a new surgical daycare and eye care unit. Their current priorities are 6 Arthroscopic cameras, 1 patient positioning device, 5 MRI Digital X-ray fluoroscopy machines, a Gamma camera, and three new ultrasound machines.
Stephanie then answered questions from our members. She mentioned that 80% of people admitted to the hospital are malnourished. In that regard, they are looking to have an in-house production kitchen to improve the nutrition of patients rather than have meals transported across the country. There are three ways to support the Foundation: making a gift for high-priority needs, becoming a monthly donor, or considering a gift in your will.
Stephanie also spoke of the upcoming fundraising event, the Peace Arch Hospital Gala on May 4, this year named “Kokomo” after the Beach Boys. The children of the original Beach Boys will be performing.