Imagine White Rock – July 10, 2022
Imagine White Rock on a perfect day!
That would Sunday, July 10th as White Rock turned on its charm to welcome the first woman to become president of Rotary International.
She is Jennifer Jones, a Canadian from Windsor, Ontario who was winding up a tour of Canada from Newfoundland to Victoria, including a visit to the North.
Dozens of smiling Rotarians from the United States and Canada were joined by members of the public, mingling in the sunshine at Memorial Park where Rotarians had set up a stage with banners, the famous Rotary wheel and white chairs for the audience.
President Jennifer Jones mingled with just about everyone, posing for photos and warmly greeting all. On stage, where she was welcomed by White Rock Mayor Darryl Walker, President Jennifer spoke of her “Image” for Rotary, partly based on the John Lennon song - “Imagine.”
Jennifer said her tour included discussion of reconciliation and open dialogue. “The power of that is so important,” she said “because it speaks to who we are as an organization.” She added, “We represent the best – the best of our world. We have the ability to break down barriers. Even though Rotary is in some 200 countries and geographical areas, we are one together. If something happens to someone in another part of the world or another country, as part of our Rotary family it touches all of us.”
Jennifer is the first woman elected International President in Rotary’s 117 years, ironic because women we were not welcome in the early years. They fought to become Rotarians and have since played leadership roles in many Clubs and Districts. Rotary’s 1.2 million members are part of 34,000 Rotary clubs worldwide.
President Jennifer was due to end her tour July 11th in Victoria.