Story by George Garrett
When firefighters approach a potential fire they follow a rule – “Try before you Pry.” They do not want to cause damage unless their entrance to a possible fire is blocked by a locked door.
Now, thanks to the Rotary Club of White Rock members of White Rock Fire Rescue have a training device called “Forced Entry Prop” located behind the fire hall. On Wednesday (April 27th) fire fighters staged a demonstration to illustrate how they can use devices quickly to open a door in case of fire in an apartment, house or commercial building. It’s when time matters.
A life can be saved with quick entry and rescue of a person trapped in a room.
Finding a fire victim, perhaps on a floor is also part of the training. Thanks to the Rotary Club of White Rock, the fire rescue service now has a 185-pound dummy, a stuffed mannequin named “Rescue Randy.” Fire fighters regularly practice how to find ‘Rescue Randy” and either lift or drag him to safety, just as they would with a person caught in a smoke-filled room.
The demonstration was performed for Mayor Daryl Walker, Councillor Anthony Manning and officials of the Rotary Club of White Rock, including Director Ted Church and President Gordy Sangha.
Mayor Walker said a $14,800 donation from the Rotary Club of White Rock was a good example of how Rotary and the City came together to provide the tools needed by White Rock Fire Rescue to do the job and make us all feel safe.
Club President Sangha said White Rock fire fighters do a tremendous job, making us feel safe in our homes, adding “We can go to sleep in peace and wake up in peace because of what you do for our