White Rock Rotary Club helps kids during pandemic!
Kids at Peace Arch Elementary School will soon have a state of the art playground thanks in part to the White Rock Rotary Club.
Money was raised through a number of initiatives including a Turkey Run last year. Fund raising was headed by Raj and Rotarian Jack Rae, who has been given a “People of Action Award” in recognition of his outstanding work. They were able to negotiate a special price for the new playground equipment and were successful in obtaining support from LIUNA (Labourer’s International Union of North America, Local 1611;) IOUE – local 115 and B&B Contracting. Mayor Darryl Walker thanked the unions and the company for their cooperation. He said children need a place to play and socialize during these difficult times.
Jennifer Wilson, Past President of PAC said there will be screams of delight from the children when they can play on the new facility this Fall. School principal Laureen Boulet was happy to celebrate the success of the initiative. She said healthy activities for children are more important than ever. She added, “A new playground is a special treat. It’s a safe way to exercise the body and have fun.”